Dining Room Art

I’m on a role with little projects lately! We’ve had this pizza peel for a while and we don’t ever use it. I saw the idea of making it into art a while ago somewhere online or in a magazine. I’m glad it’s being used now instead of buried in a cabinet somewhere! img_0617 It’s also fun to have art that is different than a typical framed piece of art or canvas. I like the added texture and form in the room. IMG_0618 To make it I just created my own stencil by printing the word “eat” in a font I liked in a large size. I then cut out the letters and used the remaining paper as the stencil to paint the letters. The hubs drilled a hole in the handle so I could hang it with some twine I had on hand. Another free project, score! Has anyone done any simple DIY projects lately?

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